I get asked many questions about the best ways to detox.  Some people will tell me they don’t sweat easily, others ask about the best foods. So many questions about the physical ways to detox but not many regarding our emotional or spiritual health.

Did you know that simply hearing or witnessing a frightening event which can occur when engaging in news or scrolling through social media can trigger anxiety and depression? How many of us have gotten caught up in a story begin to feel fear or anxiety and notice how it affects you the rest of the day? Since the use of mobile devices rates of anxiety and depression have increased.  There are many aspects to this and just to name a few including comparison with others, negative news stories and the decrease in face to face communication. Either focusing on negative news feeds or feeling isolated has a direct affect on our stress hormone cortisol.  When this hormone elevates for a prolonged period of time it causes physical changes such as elevated blood pressure, weakens our immune system which can increase our susceptibility to infections.  It also depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness. 

So physically our liver is responsible for detoxifying toxins that enter our body, The liver takes toxic substances and converts them into harmless substances so they can be released from the body.  Cortisol as I mentioned above has a negative impact on our livers ability to detox. So enhancing our emotional and spiritual health is just as important as our physical health. So I want to share below steps you can incorporate into your life to support detoxification that is a whole body, mind and spirit approach.  . 

  • Eat whole foods diet primarily fruits and vegetables.  Good fats that  contain Omega 3’s versus Omega 6. So Olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter or Ghee. 
  • Food rich in sulfur such as onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, and spices such as parsley, turmeric, basil.
  • Bitter foods enhance bile production such as dandelion greens and arugula.  Incorporating bitters in water 4 ounces prior to a meal enhances digestion. 
  • Start your day with a glass of lemon water.  I place 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or squeeze half a lemon in 16 ounces of water in the morning. 
  • Incorporate lymphatic dry brushing. Do this prior to a shower 3-4 times a week 
  • Re-bounding is a great way to enhance detoxifying the body and it is fun.
  • If you have access to an infrared sauna that can help to stimulate sweating this is a big benefit and the red light produced by the sauna will enhance detoxification and healing
  • If you take medications be sure you know if they work by breaking down through the liver as it is important to support your liver more. 
  • Take time away from social media
  • Be present with someone.  When going out for coffee or lunch put the phone away and silent. Paying attention is one of the kindness things we can do for ourselves and others. 
  • Limit exposure to news particularly in the later evening. Negative thoughts prior to going to bed can impact our sleep quality 
  • Begin a practice of gratitude. When we write down what we are grateful for it increases our joy in life. Your brain will Thank you. 
  • Incorporate deep breathing daily for 5-10 minutes. 
  • Get out in nature daily, hug a tree, go barefoot when weather allows. 
  • Give those you care about a hug. Physical touch increases oxytocin “considered the love hormone” 
  • Smile several times a day. 
  • Incorporate a random act of kindness 

We live in a world that is more toxic that previous generations on so many levels.  By living consciously and incorporating simple steps weekly into your routine you can detox and maintain your health and wellness at an optimal level. 

Morning Tips to Wake Your Brain

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