September typically marks the end of summer and the beginning of our fall season.  It is beautiful with many warm days and cooler nights along with vibrant colors.  Fall marks the start of school season and back to routines.  Soon you will start to hear in the media about colds, flu, getting your vaccine to prevent these illnesses.  

In the past I have given recommendations for supplements that can be beneficial.  I will share those with you again. Supplements are all good when taken appropriately.  Not all absorb supplements the same way to get their full benefit. The majority of supplements are taken by mouth which means we need to have a healthy digestive system in order to break down to absorb. I want to share with you a 4 step process you can do to help to maintain that healthy gut. 

First begin your day with 12-15 ounces of filtered water.  This should be before you eat or drink any other fluids. We wake dehydrated from a good nights sleep and need that for body to begin to function optimally. 

Second incorporate in a probiotic rich yogurt.  Eat 1/4 cup a day in the morning prior to any other foods.  This can be dairy or a non dairy version. I have included a recipe to make your own.  When you make homemade yogurt and ferment for 24-36 hours you increase the beneficial bacteria immensely as compared to store bought versions. 

Third drink tea that contains cloves, cinnamon and a prebiotic.  This will help to maintain the mucous lining in your gut. When we have adequate mucous it maintains a good gut barrier.  Take 12 whole cloves and boil in 15 ounces of filtered water.  Take of heat and add in a green tea bag, cinnamon stick and a piece of raw potato (you can also add in 1 teaspoon of potato starch or Inulin if easier)   The potato starch and Inulin are prebiotics. You can drink this slowly throughout your day. 

Fourth when eating a meal incorporate a raw food along with cooked food.  This aides in activating specific digestive enzymes to absorb nutrients and maintain a healthy gut barrier. 

So incorporating the simple food items above can be a big benefit to our immune health by promoting good gut health. 

 As promised I am including my supplement protocol to boost immune system during the cold and flu season
     a. Homeopathic Oscillococcinum one vial once a week 
     b. Vitamin C buffered 1000mg a day 
     c. Vitamin D3 4000IU as a gel cap daily (to maintain your vitamin D levels between 65-80) 
     d. B complex 
     e. Omega 3 DHA 750mg/ EPA 350mg

Lastly I want to share with you a technology that I have been using for the past 9 months. This has personally enhanced my wellness as well as many of my clients.  It is a technology that uses patches you place on the body that works with the heat and light of your body to enhance immune health.  These patches contain no medications or supplements.  To learn more about a protocol for your immune health please email me at 

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