Health and Wellness Blog

Sustainable Daily Tips for a Balanced Brain

Sustainable Daily Tips for a Balanced Brain

  During the past couple of months most Americans spent more time at home than they have done in years.  This offered times of reflection, reconnecting, and even discovering new hobbies and activities to enjoy.  Personally I was able to do some extra...

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Is Coronavirus affecting my Sleep?

Is Coronavirus affecting my Sleep?

 I believe that there is something all of us can agree upon; these are abnormal times including uncertainty.  When there are changes in the world including the unknown sleep can be affected.  I posted most recently on my facebook page that it...

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Optimize Detoxification

Optimize Detoxification

  Our bodies are constantly detoxifying through excretion in urine, stool, breathing and sweating.  Unfortunately toxins have accumulated in our organs over the years and we do have continued exposure.  The good news is we can support the detoxification...

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Detox;  Beware of Dementogens

Detox; Beware of Dementogens

For those of you who are Harry Potter fans you might remember the scenes of the creatures that conjure up images of "dementors" that take away human happiness and create paths of evil.  Although the term "dementors" was not exactly used in Harry Potter the...

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Begin The New Year with 5 Healthy Habits

Begin The New Year with 5 Healthy Habits

 So here we are entering another decade.  I don't know about the rest of you but this year in particular seems to have gone by fast.  So as with many the start of the New Year brings about resolutions.  I am not fond of the term resolutions,...

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Morning Tips to Wake Your Brain

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