Health and Wellness Blog

Upsizing the Brain

Upsizing the Brain

  We use to think that once brain function was lost it was lost forever.  Now with new research in the field of neuroplasticity we know our brains continue to grow new neurons in response to social and mental stimuli as well as healing from trauma and...

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Hormones, Your Brain and Weight

Hormones, Your Brain and Weight

The start of the New Year for many means resolutions, new health habits and so called getting back into routines after the holidays.  This year may have been different maybe less stressful, possibly less travel for some depending on where your family is...

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Reflections of 2020; My Best Health/Self Care Tips

Reflections of 2020; My Best Health/Self Care Tips

Without a doubt the events of 2020 have shown changes many of us have not ever seen before.  The Pandemic has revealed moments of pain, loss and tragedy's.  Not only from the aspect of our current health care crisis but also from the racial injustices we...

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“Darker Days does not have to mean Dreary Brain”

“Darker Days does not have to mean Dreary Brain”

  As we approach the winter solstice and daylight declines; how can we maintain a little sunshine in our lives. The first question I want to ask you is during these months of shorter sunlight do you feel more fatigued?  Have a hard time concentrating?...

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Melatonin; Is it the best for sleep?

Melatonin; Is it the best for sleep?

Melatonin for sleep; is it right to use?   If you can't fall asleep at night many of us are searching for an aide that will give us the restful sleep we need.  More individuals  are looking for a more natural option especially with the addictive nature...

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Best Foods for Your Immune System and to Boost your Brain

Best Foods for Your Immune System and to Boost your Brain

  Nutritional status is a major predictor both in prevention of infection and in brain health.  All of you have heard previously that those with poor nutritional status are those more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, Hypertension and also more susceptible...

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Morning Tips to Wake Your Brain

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