Health and Wellness Blog

The Hidden Dangers of Seed Oils

The Hidden Dangers of Seed Oils

Seed oils; why we need to avoid.  You may or may not have heard about avoiding the consumption of seed oils by why is this? Seed oils not only have a negative impact on our health but the environment as well. Let's take a closer look at this. Seed oils...

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Do Weak Bones mean I have a Weak Brain?

Do Weak Bones mean I have a Weak Brain?

How many of you have heard of Osteocalcin?  Did you know that this hormone released not only strengthens bone but has an impact on the health of our brain?  So bone has mostly been known for its structural support for the body.  More recently its...

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Do You Need A Re-Set After The Holidays?

Do You Need A Re-Set After The Holidays?

 Here we are in another year and starting to wind down from the holidays. Travel, being with family, friends, different schedules can all have a negative impact on our circadian rhythms.  So does any of this sound like you? Difficulty falling asleep Can't...

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Self Care Increases Immune Health

Self Care Increases Immune Health

 So I recently got back from a trip to Maine traveling along the coast for 12 days.  The amount of time that my husband and I spent outdoors hiking and connecting with nature was incredible.  Now most of you know how much I love to be outside doing...

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Eye-Brain Connection

Eye-Brain Connection

  You have heard me speak multiple times about the importance of keeping our gut healthy as it can affect cognition and our brain function.  This is certainly true but how many of you are aware of the Eye-Brain connection? Our eyes are responsible...

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Morning Tips to Wake Your Brain

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