Health and Wellness Blog

Twelve Steps to a Healthy Christmas and Life

Twelve Steps to a Healthy Christmas and Life

  Many of us are familiar with the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas".  I do personally like this song.  Listening to this song made me think of the number of different steps I have taken through the years to keep healthy.  Some of these...

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Did you experience Ghrelin or Gremlins this Halloween?

Did you experience Ghrelin or Gremlins this Halloween?

I have to admit, I am not much into Halloween, but love this time of year with the beautiful fall colors. We have a neighbor farm down the road from us who has quite the display of skeletons, ghouls and goblins. It is a bit of a scary sight as you drive by, although...

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Quality Sleep; Quality Energy

Quality Sleep; Quality Energy

Sleep deprivation is becoming all too common in today's society. Difficulty going to sleep, staying asleep and even hearing from some my schedule does not allow for that much sleep. Most recent statistics show that about 40% of Americans get less than seven hours of...

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Collagen’s Great Health Benefits

Collagen’s Great Health Benefits

Collagen is something I recommend to almost every patient I see.  It is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the substance that holds the whole body together. You will find collagen in "bones, muscles, skin and tendons where it forms a scaffold...

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Digital Dementia; Am I at risk?

Digital Dementia; Am I at risk?

Summer is here and signs are finally emerging after our cold winter. Time to get outside put our feet in the grass and enjoy the smells and sounds of summer. Recently I attended a summit on technology called the Digital Dementia Summit and obtained some valuable...

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Spring Health Re-set; Is fasting an option?

Spring Health Re-set; Is fasting an option?

I don't know about you, but once April arrives I am thinking colors, warmth and beautiful sounds. The sandhill cranes have returned to our hay field. I am hearing birds chirping and saw a blue jay at my bird feeder the other day. Spring is a time where I clean house...

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