Most of us would admit that we are use to the electronic conveniences of modern life. But how many of you are aware of the potential health risks? 

Microwaves, cellphones, computers, powerlines and other appliances send out a stream of invisible energy waves.  Anywhere electricity is used, electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are produced. 

What are EMF’s?

The sun sends out waves that create EMF’s or radiation.  We can see this through visible light.  Since the turn of the 20th century electric power lines and indoor lighting have spread across our world. Not only do these sources lead to increasing EMF’s but the advancement of medical imaging devices such as X-rays and CT scans contribute. 

Currently 90% of the worlds population has access to electricity and uses electrical appliances. This equates to lots of electricity and EMF’s.

Electric and magnetic fields join as one field in most forms of radiation. The result is an electromagnetic field (EMF). 

Essentially, there are two types of EMFs you may be exposed to:

  • High-frequency EMFs.  Scientific literature agrees that large exposures can damage DNA. Medical devices like X-ray imaging machines and CT scans produce low levels of this type of radiation. Other sources include gamma radiation from radioactive elements and UV radiation from either tanning beds or the sun,. 
  • Lo-to mid-frequency EMFs.  This is non-ionizing type of radiation. It is mild and thought to be harmless to people. Household appliances such as washing machines, cellphones, hairdryers, microwaves, powerlines and MRIs produce this type of radiation. 

Non-ionizing EMF’s come from both natural and human-made sources.  The earths magnetic field is an example of a natural EMF. Human-made EMFs are classified into two types, both generated by non-ionizing radiation. 

  • Extremely low-frequency EMFs.  This non-ionizing radiation field comes from a variety of sources including power lines electrical wiring, electric shavers and electric blankets. 
  • Radiofrequency radiation.  This type of radiation is emitted from wireless devices like cellphones, smart meters, tablets and laptop computers.  Also included are radio and television signals, radar, satellite stations and MRI machines. 

So what are some ways to protect yourself? 

  • Be aware of sources you are exposed to. 
  • Keep cellphones away from your body and use protectors such as safe sleeve
  • Unplugging unnecessary appliances when not in use. 
  • Do not sleep with your cell phone by your bedside or near your head. 
  • Be an advocate for your own health.  Women’s annual breast cancer screening typically includes mammogram.  If you have dense breasts where you need repeated imaging or have a history of breast cancer the best screening method is an MRI.  Less exposure and more advanced diagnostic tool.

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